Supplemental Security Income (SSI) & Youth Who Work

There is a myth that youth who are in school and receive SSI benefits can’t work or they will lose their benefits. They can indeed work.
There are special SSI rules that support working for students under the age of 22. It’s called the Student Earned Income Exclusion (SEIE).
There are limits to the income that can be earned from the job. As of January 2018, a student who has a job can earn up to $7,350 per year or under $1,820 per month and still receive their full SSI benefit.
Not every student qualifies for SSEI. A student must be receiving SSI, under the age of 22 and be regularly attending school. This means the student must be taking one or more classes and attend High School 12 hours a week, or college 8 hours per week, or attend a tech school 12 hours a week.
The Idaho Department of Labor has a great video on their YouTube channel that explains the details of SSEI. Here’s the link to watch it. . You can also learn more at or contact the Ticket to Work help line at 1-866-968-7842.