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Category: Self Care

Self Care

Make Time for Self-Care During the Holidays & Year-Round

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Whether you are a Treatment Foster Home parent, a Direct Support Professional, or you care for people in another capacity, self-care is crucial for your overall health. There are two definitions of self-care, but we’ll focus on one for today. Self-care is taking action to improve or protect your health and well-being, especially during times […]


Mental Health

Mental Health Self-Care Through the Holiday Season

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While the holidays are typically festive, joyful, and “the happiest time of the year” to celebrate with family and friends, they can also be overwhelming and stressful, leading to feelings of loneliness, anxiety, or depression. There are many reasons why the holidays may be tough for some people, ranging from isolation and grief to financial […]


Behavioral Health

20 Ways To IMPROVE Attitudes

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“What can I do to IMPROVE my attitude?” This is one of the most asked questions I get. Being positive most of the time allows you to enjoy life more. Here are 20 practical ideas to help you get a positive attitude and keep it. Be Yourself – Do more of the things you love. […]



Her Tattered Bear

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Today we are taking our youngest daughter to college. There are so many emotions and life changes happening all at once. I have been resisting the urge to retreat into denial. I want to be present to feel all these things despite the overwhelmingness. Painful and joyful, bittersweet. A dear friend gave me a copy […]


Behavioral Health

How Music Helps with Mental Health – Mind Boosting Benefits of Music Therapy

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Music has been with us for thousands of years as a form of entertainment, communication, celebration, and mourning. There are so many different emotions that music can help us to express, and it is a language that we share universally, as well as one that everyone can understand. The style of music that we listen […]



Channel Your Inner Clint Eastwood

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Getting mad is natural and unavoidable. You are human, after all. You will continue to feel and experience anger throughout your life. Anger is one of your strongest emotions and one of your strongest motivators. Anger is often an indicator that you would like something in your life to change. What you do when you […]



Unrecognizably Disguised Blessings

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I am not an end of year reminiscer nor do I typically make New Year’s Resolutions. It seems forced if these things are something I do because of a date on a calendar. I have found that frequently reflecting on my journey through this life makes the difficult times a bit less difficult and enhances […]



The Third Rule of Self Care

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Rule number 3 Forgive yourself. I mean it. Maybe you have all the know-how, money, ability, strength, and talent to do whatever is you want to do. But let’s say you still didn’t do it. Now you’re giving yourself crap for not doing what you need to; to be who you want to be. Heads up […]



The Second Rule of Self Care

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Rule number two: Be grateful to the three yous. There’s the past you, the present you, and the future you. If you want to love someone and have someone love you back, you have to learn to love yourself, and the three yous are the key. Be grateful to the past you for the positive […]



The Four Rules of Self Care

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Rule numero uno: There are no more zero days. What’s a zero day? A zero day is when you don’t do a single thing towards whatever dream, goal, want, or whatever you have going on. No more zeros. I’m not saying you have to bust an essay out every day; that’s not the point. The […]


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