The Importance of Self Care

What can $10 billion buy you?
According the Pew Research Center, in 2015 $10 billion was spent on self care products and the majority of that was spent by millennials. What’s even more interesting is that more millennials reported making personal improvement commitments than any generation before them. We (millennials) spend twice as much as baby boomers on self-care essentials such as gym memberships or workout equipment, dieting, life coaching, yoga/ meditation, and the list goes on.
The Ancient Greeks practiced self care long before millennials made it into a multi-billion dollar industry. The Greek word for self care is “philautia” which translates most closely to ‘self love’ or ‘love of self.’ The ancient Greeks believed that when philautia was practiced appropriately (in a balanced and non-narcissistic way) it provided the foundation upon which all other love could be built. They believed that self care was a way to make people more honest citizens who would care for others. The more you love yourself, the more you could love others. As Aristotle put it, “all friendly feelings for others are an extension of man’s feelings for himself.”
Practicing self-care not only allows us to help ourselves, but to help others as well. According to Living Self Care, self care tends to improve our immunity, increase positive thinking and make us less susceptible to stress, depression, anxiety and other emotional health issues. Taking time out to care for ourselves helps remind us and others that our needs are important, too. Feeling well cared-for leads to feelings of calm and relaxation, and conveys to others that we value ourselves which contributes to long-term feelings of wellbeing. Self care also makes us better caretakers, people who neglect their own needs and forget to nurture themselves are at danger of deeper levels of unhappiness, low self-esteem and feelings of resentment. Taking time regularly for self-care can actually make you a better caretaker for others.
How do you practice self care (no, it’s not self indulgent, so get that out of your head)? Here are some ideas you can implement in your daily life.
- Keep a journal. Write down the things you did well each day or the things you are thankful for.
- Escape to your bedroom for a few moments and just be,
- Read a book or meditate
Feel free to comment on this blog. We look forward to learning how you practice self care. Namaste!