Looking for heroes

Nominations are now being accepted to recognize Idaho heroes who make a positive difference in the lives of those living with disabilities in Idaho. Commitment to Community Awards are given out annually during the Idaho Partnerships Conference on Human Services in the fall to individuals, organizations or businesses who have demonstrated inclusiveness, helped open doors and inspired leadership and collaboration for individuals with disabilities to have access to and be recognized as valuable contributors to their communities. Community Partnerships of Idaho is a key organizer of the conference and the C2C awards, and is now seeking nominations in four categories: Opening Doors, Plays Well with Others, Building Bridges and Lifetime Achievement.
Details and nomination forms are available on the conference website.
The deadline to submit nominations is August 15th. Nominators, nominees and their family/friends are invited to attend the Commitment to Community Luncheon on Thursday, October 6th at Boise State in the Student Union Building. Tickets for the luncheon will be available online this summer.
Questions? Want to sponsor the luncheon this year? Please contact Brenda Bielke at brenda.bielke@mycpid.com or 208/376-4999.