The Alarming Rates of Suicide in Idaho

Suicide is an incredibly difficult and uncomfortable topic of conversation and one many choose to avoid. Although challenging, this is a very important conversation because suicide has impacted many lives: your own, your coworker sitting beside you, your personal friends and family or even your neighbor. Unfortunately, our Mountain Home Behavioral Health team tragically lost one of our own team members to suicide October 10th, 2017.
But Idaho has to be Exempt…..Right???
Not quite… In fact, for the past several years Idaho ranks in the top 10 for the highest suicide rates in the Nation. Look at some recent statistics regarding our home state:
(Statistics from
Suicide is the 2nd leading cause of death for Idahoans age 15-34
In 2015, Idaho had the 5th highest suicide rate in the nation.
In 2015, Idaho suicide rates were 57% higher than the national average.
In 2015, 362 people in Idaho died by suicide.
In 2016, 350 people died in Idaho by suicide.
This averages to about one suicide per day each year in IDAHO! How can we work to lower these statistics? Let’s start this conversation!
Kevin Hines is a survivor of a near fatal suicide attempt, who visited Boise this summer. While here he shared his story and addressed the powerful irrational perceptions related to thoughts of suicide and the belief that “no one cares.” In short more than 130 people are impacted by one suicide, by the death of ONE person by suicide his link referencing the impact for suicide is:
If you are struggling with thoughts of harming yourself, wanting to die, wishing you were dead, have lost hope, wishing you wouldn’t wake up and/or feel like a burden to others please contact the following:
Idaho Suicide Hotline call or text: 800-273-8255
National Suicide Hotline: 1-800-273 TALK (8255)
If you know someone who is having these thoughts, a peer, coworker, friend, please “walk them to help.” Get them connected with the needed resources, you never know whose life you’ll save.
Want to become involved in suicide prevention?