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Building Skills That Last a Lifetime

RISE Services, Inc. supports youth or young adults, typically 14-21 years of age, who are in foster care, have aged out of foster care, or have a permanent home and still qualify for Independent Living Services. These services are currently being offered in Regions 3 and 4. Please contact our office at (208) 252-6117 for more information.


Assesses the youth/young adult’s current readiness for independence and identifies goals and objectives, as defined by the youth/young adult, in order to achieve successful independence.

Offered monthly to the youth/young adults in this program to build competency in necessary skills to ensure success and independence in adulthood. This may include workshops on managing personal finances, employment skills and resume building/interviewing, and housing resources and supports. 

Provides ongoing to help with resource identification, access to and coordination of services to the youth/young adult.

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